
Laurie Lindgren

I’ve been interested in growth and evolution since I was very young, and I fell in love with the works of C. S. Lewis beginning with the Magician’s Nephew. In these books, the children are under the care and protection of a Greater Being who is both accessible and mighty. Aslan cares for each child uniquely and offers opportunities for both personal growth and a path to participation in the larger world of Narnia. All the inhabitants of Narnia are interconnected in a natural ecology, yet challenges and suffering arise, and the children are asked to courageously expand their capacity for action and compassion. These stories began to form a core belief system through which I understand the world.

From my adolescent days of the exploration of world religions, I emerged into a deep dive into music then moved to excursions into meditation, Montessori education, and wholistic health as it emerged in the early 80’s.
I studied Zen meditation, Hindu chanting, western Sufism, and Vipassana Buddhist meditation, and I engaged in profound recovery work through psychotherapy, all of which have informed my understanding of a somatic approach to the healing of trauma and the optimization of compassion, joy, and peace, our birthright as human beings.

Through my continuing training in Reiki, therapeutic bodywork, Healing Touch, Polarity, and many other modalities, I have been able to offer a comprehensive and compassionate practice for over twenty eight years. My understanding and insight have been enhanced by training in evolutionary astrology since 1979 as well as training as a Sufi guide and interfaith minister. I feel that today I consistently offer compassionate listening, spiritual guidance, and healing of body, mind, and spirit to my clients.

For the past three years, I have been a student of western Herbalism, which grew from a lifetime love of plants and gardening. I love integrating the realm of nature into my understanding of human beings how we are ecologically connected with all of life.

I can help you release current and chronic tensions, complexes, and outdated holding patterns in your body, your mind, and your energy body, helping you relax into your true nature. I can support and assist in your uncovering your authentic self and finding and realizing your heart’s desire.

So my roots go down into the earth as well as up to the heavens.

Experience and Qualifications Snapshot

1985 -Present

Beginning in 1985 Laurie trained extensively in the field of mindfulness meditation and is a long term student of the western Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan, which became the platform for the Dances of Universal Peace of the Sufi Ruhaniat International. She received her Religious Studies degree from UNC in 1995, focusing on independent study in Taoism and Christian Mysticism. She is a certified dance leader and mentor, a guide for students, a healing conductor, and an interfaith minister within this umbrella. She became a student of yoga in 1974 and received her yoga instructor certificate in 2002. She also has a background in Christian mysticism, the Goddess path, the healing power of the drum, the Tarot, shamanistic journeying, and Taoism.

2009 -Present

Laurie received her certification from the Carolina School of Massage in 1991 and has since received CEU's in: Aromatherapy, Geriatric Massage, Chair Massage, Acupressure, Cranial Sacral Work, Ethics, Reiki, Polarity, Neuromuscular, Sports, Pregnancy, Geriatric, Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release.
Additionally, she has completed extensive continuing training in Reiki I and II and a 2-year Polarity program from Moksha Kolman. She received her Reiki Master certificate from Inayat Tal.

1991 -Present

Astrology Apprenticeship with Steven Forrest, Level 2; 9 years of 4-day instruction, 36 hours. Astrological consultation services available.

2017 -Present

Herbal Apprenticeship with Lea Clayton, Green Heart Herbs.

2016 -Present

Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine Herbal Immersion program; Foraging program; Medicine Making program. Herbal consultation services available.

Laurie trained in Shamanic training with Shamanic Tracks, Foundation for Shamanic Studies.

2012- 2016